India has tried many things to stop Pakistan from moving forward and has had nothing short of attempts that failed miserably and left them battered and broken with the opposite effect that they had desired. The main reason for this would be the advent of CPEC which will leave India way behind Pakistan in the race for economic development and that cannot be tolerated by the jealous Indians and its power hungry government. What India really desires is to upgrade its status to a first world country instead of its third world country current title. But as the whole world knows, India is sadly at the most bottom in the race for internal betterment. With its current condition in its poorer areas, India suffers from lack of sanitation and development in most of its regions. Unfair distribution of resources have seen a rise in diseases and death toll in the urban sector and while the government and its underlings continue to ignore the basic needs of the people, there is a plan already in motion how they hope to appease there ever so growing complaining population. To explain it in simple terms, India blames all of its problems on Pakistan. Injustice, lack of discipline, any such sort of threat or bad thing is delegated towards Pakistan as the source and this leads the Indians to believe that Pakistan are to blame for all their problems. It is not the first time such an incident has been unearthed. India have always had this backup plan to cover up for their failures in governing their own country. And have tried on many occasions to appease the Indian bloodthirsty community with the blood of Pakistani's . Kashmir is in the line of fire now as Indian forces keep at it to silence the rebels demanding freedom and keep it under lock and key until CPEC is stopped but to no avail. The international community has lost all interest in India's claims and are focusing on trying to help Pakistan. China has favored Pakistan in all anti Pakistan scandals by India whereas the world is slowly edging away from India. This leads Pakistan into clear water where they can go about working for development and prosperity without external conspiracies from its enemies. With CPEC already in formation, its not far from realization of a new Pakistan.