
Tuesday, 18 October 2016

India at BRICS

This year’s BRICS summit was supposed to be held in Goa with the Indian P.M Narendra Modi looking to gain some strong held advantage over his enemies and strengthen India’s own ties with its closely linked allies. After boycotting SAARC just for the reason of it being unseemingly unsafe and pressuring three other SAARC members in the name of Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan also rejected the invitation to come to Pakistan this November. This was definitely a move to defame Pakistan in the rest of the world and show its power to its smaller SAARC counterparts of whom we can say were either bribed or forced to not accept Pakistan’s invitation to come to Islamabad in the second last month of 2016.
India had definitely planned the missing of SAARC summit as a ploy to put its own ability as a much more powerful nation than its most rivaled neighbor but its influence has only reached out to smaller nations not yet attaining enough strength themselves. Afghanistan is facing its own problems with insurgents. Bangladesh and Bhutan are facing internal problems and economic disasters and look to India for financial support. Little do they realize that India themselves are at the top of the list for internal problems. With their community demanding blood, it can either be their own or the Pakistani’s. Just like throughout history, Indian government has always targeted campaigns against Pakistan just to boost their popularity with their community. The boycott this year of the SAARC summit was no different.
The real failure however occurred when the recent BRICS summit ended in a heavy blow for the Indians. Two of the world’s strongest nations namely China and Russia refused to agree to India’s claims to name Pakistan as a terrorist state. While U.S has already denied India of this case and refused to accept India’s proposal to help them raise awareness for the Balochistan facade, we can see India slowly losing any authority it has over the other powerful nations as well as losing respect in the world for itself.
According to Indian claims regarding this so called snub, all they can come up with from their vast list of fake propagandas, they say that both these major nations are themselves targeted with terrorists and so they would want to ally themselves with the nations that have the same problems to fight against terrorism. Although this makes no sense to the other Indian channels who can’t seem to find any sort of retort to Russia’s and China’s boycott of Indian interests, they just go along with absurd reasons such as that “both these countries have refused to join India on this motive is because they are plotting against India with Pakistan”.

The real reason unfortunately for India is much worse than that they claim it to be. The fact of the matter is that India is in such a horrific state that no other country is willing to truly accept its claims. Their recent propagandas have all opened up to be nothing more than false rumors only bent upon defacing Pakistan but it has inadvertedly led to India getting labeled as a nation with no authenticity. Thus China and Russia not wanting to align itself with such a nation decided to snub its claims to avoid getting dragged in all of India’s drama’s. This is surely a smart move on their part, and a wakeup call to the Indian Government who thought of themselves as invincible.


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