Referring to statements of some Indian politicians regarding
Balochistan, he said,there were solid evidences of Indian involvement in
Balochistan affairs, adding, now Indian leadership was again interfering in the
internal matters of Balochistan to divert attention of its aggression in
occupied Kashmir.
Highlighting the history of sacrifices by Balochs for
Pakistan, he said, Khan of Kalat hosted father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah during independence movement.
Later, Khan of Kalat voluntarily announced to merge Kalat
state in Pakistan on the eve of independence in a bid to further strengthen the
new state.
He said, Baloch people were patriot and supported all the
efforts being made to Pakistan a developed and prosperous state.
Prince Mohyuddin Baloch offered that he would continue to
work for betterment of Balochistan and make effort to unite the Baloch nation
on the platform of BRIT.
He said, Baloch youth should be imparted technical training
so that they could get appropriate jobs in the projects being implemented under
China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor (CPEC).
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